
Fabric3 is built on Service Component Architecture (SCA). In SCA, application code is organized as a set of components. A component may have one or more services it exposes to clients and may contain references to other services it depends on. A component may be implemented as a Java class. The following illustrates a calculator component written in Java (taken from the samples) that is wired to operand services:


 public class CalculatorServiceImpl implements CalculatorService {

    protected AddService addService;

    protected SubtractService subtractService;

 protected MultiplyService multiplyService;

  protected DivideService divideService;
    public double add(double n1, double n2) {
        return addService.add(n1, n2);
    public double subtract(double n1, double n2) {
        return subtractService.subtract(n1, n2);
    public double multiply(double n1, double n2) {
        return multiplyService.multiply(n1, n2);
    public double divide(double n1, double n2) {
        return divideService.divide(n1, n2);




A component is defined and configured in XML:

<component name='SampleComponent'>
   < class="org.sample.SampleComponent"/>


Applications are composed of one or more composites.  A composite is an XML file that contains a set of component definitions:

<composite xmlns=''

    <component name='SampleComponent'>
        < class="org.sample.SampleComponent"/>


A composite is similar to a Spring application context but with several important differences:


Components can provide one or more services to clients. Clients may be remote or local. For remote clients, a component service can be exposed as an endpoint using a binding such as WS-*, JAX-RS or JMS. The following demonstrates how to expose an endpoint to a JMS queue:

<composite ...>

    <component name='TargetComponent'>
        < class="org.sample.TargetComponent"/>
        <service name="TargetService"> 	   
              <destination jndiName="SampleQueue"/>           



A component can act as a client to a service by wiring a reference:

<composite ...>

    <component name='SampleComponent'>
        < class="org.sample.SampleComponent"/>
	<reference name="service" target="TargetComponent"/>

    <component name='TargetComponent'>
        < class="org.sample.TargetComponent"/>    


In the above example, the wire from SampleComponent/service to TargetComponent can be local or remote (possibly passing through a message queue) depending on if the two components are collocated.


Fabric3 also supports pub/sub interactions where components pass events through a channel as opposed to being directly wired. A component producer is connected to a channel, which in turn may be connected to 0..N component consumers. The following shows how to create an event network using a channel:

<composite ...>

    <channel name="SampleChannel"/>

    <component name='SampleComponent'>
	<producer name="channel" target="SampleChannel"/>

    <component name='TargetComponent1'>
        <consumer name="channel" source="SampleChannel"/>    

    <component name='TargetComponent2'>
        <consumer name="channel" source="SampleChannel"/>    


Channels may be local or remote depending on where its producers and consumers are deployed. In the case where producers and consumers are remote, Fabric3 will bind a channel to a remote transport such as a JMS topic (channels may also be explicitly bound using the <binding> element in a composite).