Fabric3 is a platform for developing, assembling, and managing distributed services. Fabric3 provides the following features:


If you would like a hands-on example of how Fabric3 simplifies application development and the advantages it brings, please look at the BigBank sample application.


In this chapter, we cover the basics of setting up and deploying an application using Fabric3.

The documentation assumes a basic understanding of SCA concepts. Before proceeding, if you have not done so, we recommend familiarizing yourself with SCA. The specifications themselves (http://www.oasis-opencsa.org) are generally not the most accessible source of introductory information. We recommend:

The Samples

The Fabric3 samples are organized as follows:

For projects that intend to use Spring, Fabric3 also ships with a set of dedicated Spring samples. These samples are a subset of the SCA Java samples described in this chapter, with SCA Java components replaced by Spring beans. Basic layout, configuration and deployment remain the same across both sets of samples.


The samples may be downloaded from http://www.fabric3.org/downloads and require the following software:

Note that it is not necessary to download the Fabric3 runtime distribution in addition to the samples. The sample build process will automatically download a distribution and configure a Fabric3 runtime for use with the sample applications.
