The Runtime Image

The Fabric3 Server runtime image is organized in the following way:






Startup modules







Modules required to start the runtime host







Modules required for the runtime bootstrap and primordial system services







Libraries shared between the runtime and application (e.g. web services annotations)







Extension modules that are able to be loaded by all runtime instances







Specific runtime instance configuration is hosted by default under this directory







top level directory for a runtime configuration







Contains systemConfig.xml for configuring the runtime and extensions







File system deploy directory for the controller and single-VM runtimes














Extensions only loaded for the runtime image







User contributions (only populated on the controller and single-VM runtimes)







Persistent data directory for a runtime instance (e.g. transaction log)







Temporary data and artifact cache for a runtime instance


Runtime Startup

If the default runtime startup command is used:

java -jar server.jar

a single-VM instance will be created using the configuration specified in runtimes/vm. Alternative configurations can be used by specifying the runtime name as shown below. The runtime name will map to a configuration contained under the {{runtimes} directory:

java -jar server.jar controller  -- launches a runtime using the configuration under runtimes/controller
java -jar server.jar participant -- launches a runtime using the configuration under runtimes/participant  
java -jar server.jar foo -- launches a custom runtime using the configuration under runtimes/foo image 

Note it is possible to run multiple runtime instances from a single disk image. In this case, the image will contain multiple configurations under the runtimes directory. Each instance can then be started by specifying the runtime name, for example:

java -jar server.jar foo
java - jar server.jar foo2

Clean Startup

To start the runtime in clean mode, use the clean command:

java -jar server.jar clean

Note starting the runtime in clean mode will delete information stored in the data directory, including transaction recovery logs. 

Runtime Cloning

For high-density clustered topologies such as cloud environments, Fabric3 provides the ability to clone runtimes. This allows new instances to be spawned from a configuration template using a single command without the need for manual setup. The following command clones a runtime image and launches the cloned instance:

java -jar server.jar clone:template runtime2

Configuring the Domain Name

If more than one domain is run on the same physical network, it is necessary to create unique domain names. The domain name is configured using the domain attribute of the <runtime> element:

   <runtime domain="mydomain"/>

The domain name must be a valid URI host and not contain characters such as ":" or "/". The default domain name is domain.

Configuring the Runtime Mode

The runtime mode is configured using the mode attribute of the <runtime> element:

   <runtime mode="controller"/>

Valid values are: vm; participant; and controller. For more information on the runtime mode setting, see The Domain.

Enabling Pass-By-Value Semantics

By default, Fabric3 is configured to use pass-by-reference semantics when invoking remotable services collocated with their clients. This avoids the overhead of parameter copying. In some cases, this may not be desirable, for example, if a service directly modifies parameter data that should not be visible to clients. To avoid this, the runtime can be configured to follow SCA by-value semantics by setting the @enableByValue attribute to true on the SCA setting in serviceConfig.xml:

<sca enableByValue="true"/>