BigBank demonstrates a complete distributed, multi-cluster loan processing application. BigBank is organized into several architectural tiers:

BigBank can be deployed to the single-VM runtime used for the starter examples or deployed to the two-cluster topology that is configured under servers/cluster. In either case, configuration remains the same. When deployed to the cluster environment, the loan service and web UIs will be deployed to the cluster zone1 while the back-end services will be deployed to the cluster zone2. Fabric3 will wire the services by transparently provisioning a number of JMS queues and topics. 

Deploying to a Single VM

To build and deploy BigBank to the single-VM server, do the following:

Build the BigBank source

To build BigBank, go to apps/bigbank and execute: mvn clean install

The build will produce three archives: the loan application and back-end services contribution (bigbank-loan-<version>.jar); the consumer UI (bigbank-web-<version>.war); and the back-office UI (bigbank-backoffice-<version>.war). 

Note both web applications currently do not support Internet Explorer. Please use FireFox, Chrome, or Safari.

Start the server.

Boot the Fabric3 runtime from the server/vm/image/bin directory by executing: java -jar server.jar

Deploy the archives.

Copy bigbank-loan-<version>.jar to the severs/vm/target/image/runtimes/vm/deploy directory. Next, copy the two war archives to the deploy directory.

Deploying to a Distributed Domain

When working with the distributed domain setup, it is helpful to review Fabric3's approach to clustering and distribution described in The Domain.

The samples distribution also contains an automated build process for producing a set of clustered servers. To create the clustered servers, execute the following from the servers/cluster directory:mvn clean install.
 The build will create three server images located in the target directory of each module under /servers/cluster: controller, zone1, and zone2.

Note that your local network must have multicast enabled. Also, some JVMs require IP4 to be set with the following command line option:

Follow the steps in the previous section to build the BigBank application. When the build completes, launch the H2 database, controller and zone runtimes:

After booting, the runtimes will discover each other and form a distributed domain consisting of two clusters (zones). Note the runtimes may be on the same machine or different machines. Copy the BigBank archives to the controller/target/image/runtimes/controller/deploy directory. The controller will provision the loan service and web UIs to zone1 and the backend services to zone2.