BigBank demonstrates a complete distributed, multi-cluster loan processing application. BigBank is organized into several architectural tiers:

BigBank can be deployed to the single-VM runtime used for the starter examples or to the cluster topology that is configured under servers/cluster. In either case, application configuration remains the same.

Deploying to a Single VM

To build and deploy BigBank to the single-VM server, do the following:

Build the BigBank source.

To build BigBank, go to apps/bigbank/bigbank_loan and execute: mvn clean install

The build will produce the bigbank-loan-<version>.jar archive containing the loan services.

Start the server.

Build the single-VM Fabric3 runtime in /servers/vm by executing:

mvn clean install

When the build has completed, boot the Fabric3 runtime from the server/vm/image/bin directory by executing:

java -jar server.jar

Alternatively, the server can be started by providing the path to the seerver.jar archive relative to the current directory. e.g.:

java -jar target/image/bin/server.jar

Deploy the archives.

Copy bigbank-loan-<version>.jar to the severs/vm/target/image/runtimes/vm/deploy directory.

Run the clients.

From your IDE, launch one of the client located in bigbank-client src/main/java/org/fabric3/samples/bigbank/client. The client will submit a loan application an wait for it to be processed.

The next section explains the BigBank application architecture in detail.