The Gradle Contribution Plugin

The Gradle Contribution Plugin

The Fabric3 Gradle contribution plugin is applied as follows:

apply plugin: 'fabric3-contribution'

buildscript {
	dependencies {
    	classpath group: 'org.fabric3.gradle', name: 'fabric3-contribution', version: fabric3Version
dependencies {
    providedCompile group: 'org.fabric3', name: 'fabric3-api', version: fabric3Version
    compile group: 'org.foo', name: 'third-party-library', version: 'version'

The contribution plugin extends the Jar plugin and adds the providedCompile dependency scope.  Compile scope dependencies and their transitive dependencies will be added to the output archive under META-INF/lib and therefore present on the application classpath at runtime (e.g. 'third-party-library' in the above example). The providedCompile scope dependencies will be made available on the classpath during compilation but not included in the output archive.  



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