Fabric3 with ZeroMQ on EC2
Running Fabric3 with ZeroMQ on EC2
EC2 - Account
Account - Secret Access Key
Account - Access Key
Amazon S3 Bucket name ( no setup requiered but still needed, watch out for costs)
Oracle/Sun JRE (tested with latest 1.6.0_27)
3 Micro Instances
Setup of the instances
I used the Amazon 32-Bit AMI (amzn-ami-2011.02.1.i386-ebs (ami-47cefa33) : http://aws.amazon.com/amis/4157).
Download fabric3 Standalone and the ZeroMQ Profile (fromĀ http://fabric3.org/downloads.html)
Now we need to configure JGroups to enable group communication over tcp since ec2 dosent support multicasts.
Download fabric3 Standalone and the ZeroMQ Profile (fromĀ http://fabric3.org/downloads.html)
Now we need to configure JGroups to enable group communication over tcp since ec2 dosent support multicasts.
, multiple selections available,