Fabric3 Server

Fabric3 Server

Fabric3 Server is a modular runtime that can be deployed in single-VM mode or as part of a distributed domain containing multiple clusters. This chapter covers basic server operation and management.

Installation and Startup

Fabric3 Server requires JRE 7.0 or later. To install the server, download the distribution from The Downloads Section, unzip its contents in a directory, and execute the following command from the /bin directory:

java -jar server.jar

The server will initialize and display a Fabric3 ready message similar to the following:

[INFO|main|XXXX.XX.XX|XX:XX:XX] Fabric3 ready [Mode:VM, JMX port:1199, Environment: production]

This message indicates the server has booted and is ready to receive requests.

Server Shutdown

The Standalone Server can be shut down using the following command located in the /bin directory:

java -jar shutdown.jar

Alternatively, a runtime instance can be shutdown using a JMX console.

Command Line Administration

Fabric3 includes a separately downloaded command line administration tool. This tool can be used to deploy contributions to a local or remote runtime and view system status. The command line tool is described here.

Extensions and Profiles

The Standalone Server can be extended to add support for different remote communications protocols (bindings), programming languages, and enterprise services such as security and transactions. These features are added through extensions and profiles. The latter are groups of related extensions such as the web profile for deploying web applications and the JPA profile, which includes persistence capabilities based on Hibernate and XA datasources. Since the Standalone Server includes only basic functionality, it is likely you will need to install a set of extensions or profiles.

Profiles and individual extensions can be downloaded from the Fabric3 web site. Individual extension JARs are deployed to the Standalone Server by copying them to the /extensions directory and starting the runtime (note installing extensions in a running server is not supported). Extension profiles are installed by extracting their contents to the /extensions directory.

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